Monday, May 11, 2015

What money can't buy

Another post from the airport after another amazing time in Taiwan.  I am so grateful for this opportunity to visit Taiwan and to share my work.  My films may not make me lot of money, but they make me extremely grateful, honoured and provide me with a sense of purpose.  And those are things on which it is impossible to put a price.

I am now on the way back home to Japan, back to my real life, and the real issues I am facing.

Thank you all so very much for your continued support and encouragement.

Much Peace,

PS  A few highlights of my last day in Hualien:

Top right: "Caution: Culture".  Bottom Right: "Creativity Ahead".
My first time on a moped!

Black tapioca pearls as big as eyeballs, served with shaved ice and sweet tofu.  Delicious!
I can not get enough Stinky Tofu.  LOVE it!!!
Drinks together with the TIDF staff after the last screening.

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