The Japanese translation of this blog, along with the full video (below) of the press conference with Japanese subtitles were added on August 4, 2015. My gratitude to Sawaguchi Kayo for filming the press conference and to Lita Box for the translations.
撮影:澤口佳代 翻訳:リタ・ボックス
Today, the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan (FCCJ) hosted a screening of my film 'A2-B-C', which documents the health of children living in contaminated areas of Fukushima after the nuclear meltdown on March 11, 2011. The screening was followed by a press conference focused on the cancellations of the screenings of the film in Japan (INFO).
Before the press conference began, I struggled with how I was going to explain something which I am still finding difficult to understand. I also see the issue of the cancellations of 'A2-B-C' as a symptom of a much larger problem affecting press freedom in Japan, and I was hoping that the screening and press conference could also be an opportunity to speak about this much larger issue.
At this afternoon's press conference I was relieved to be able to announce that during a meeting this morning the Japan domestic screening rights to 'A2-B-C' were returned to me. I will now work toward re-establishing a process for organizing private screenings of the film. A DVD/ internet release of the film is not currently planned for the reasons outlined HERE.
I would like to express my gratitude to the A2-B-C Screening Committee for their hard work to establish distribution of 'A2-B-C' in Japan. Through their effort, a theatrical release of the film, as well as dozens of private screenings, was made possible. While I find it unfortunate that it was decided that they could no longer be involved with the distribution of the film, I wish them the very best as we all move forward.
A2-B-C 上映委員会の皆さんには、これまでA2-B-Cの国内配給のため懸命に活動してくださいました。深く感謝を述べたいと思います。劇場公開や数々の自主上映が実現したのも、委員会の皆さんの努力のおかげです。この委員会でA2-B-Cの配給に関わることができないと決定されたのは残念なことですが、これからも委員会の皆さんのご活躍を祈ります。
The attendees at today's press conference were there not only to see 'A2-B-C' but also to hear why the screenings of 'A2-B-C' had been cancelled.
I would like to express my gratitude to the A2-B-C Screening Committee for their hard work to establish distribution of 'A2-B-C' in Japan. Through their effort, a theatrical release of the film, as well as dozens of private screenings, was made possible. While I find it unfortunate that it was decided that they could no longer be involved with the distribution of the film, I wish them the very best as we all move forward.
A2-B-C 上映委員会の皆さんには、これまでA2-B-Cの国内配給のため懸命に活動してくださいました。深く感謝を述べたいと思います。劇場公開や数々の自主上映が実現したのも、委員会の皆さんの努力のおかげです。この委員会でA2-B-Cの配給に関わることができないと決定されたのは残念なことですが、これからも委員会の皆さんのご活躍を祈ります。
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Today's press conference |
今回の会見の参加者は、A2-B-C の鑑賞だけでなく、なぜA2-B-C の上映がキャンセルされたか、という私の説明を聞くために参加して下さいました。
The A2-B-C Screening Committee cancelled all domestic screenings of the film after learning that one of the mothers in 'A2-B-C' was rumoured to be a member of Chukaku-ha, a communist political group whose tactics in the past have included violent confrontations with the authorities. The medical clinic that appears in the film, where children are seen receiving thyroid examinations, was also said to be tied to this group.
The A2-B-C Screening Committee cancelled all domestic screenings of the film after learning that one of the mothers in 'A2-B-C' was rumoured to be a member of Chukaku-ha, a communist political group whose tactics in the past have included violent confrontations with the authorities. The medical clinic that appears in the film, where children are seen receiving thyroid examinations, was also said to be tied to this group.
It should be noted that in Japan the two main accusations that are hurled at someone to discredit them are that they are either ethnically Korean or communist; accusing someone who is speaking out of being Korean or a communist is a rhetoric often employed in Japan when no other logical argument can be found.
It should be noted that in Japan the two main accusations that are hurled at someone to discredit them are that they are either ethnically Korean or communist; accusing someone who is speaking out of being Korean or a communist is a rhetoric often employed in Japan when no other logical argument can be found.
Leading up to the cancellations of 'A2-B-C', I had received an e-mail alerting me to an article that had been published in the Fukushima Minyu accusing a medical clinic in Fukushima (the one in my film) of having ties to Chukaku-ha.
Leading up to the cancellations of 'A2-B-C', I had received an e-mail alerting me to an article that had been published in the Fukushima Minyu accusing a medical clinic in Fukushima (the one in my film) of having ties to Chukaku-ha.

It was also brought to my attention that Chukaku-ha was using a political group called Nazen to organize private screenings of 'A2-B-C' in an apparent effort to raise money for their activities. Although the A2-B-C Screening Committee had been aware of these screenings, they were unaware of Nazen's ties to Chukaku-ha:

I felt that whether or not a member of Chukaku-ha appears in 'A2-B-C' should be openly discussed, as should why this group may have established in Fukushima a medical clinic offering independent testing of children for radiation-related health issues. I also wanted to know if it was true that this group was attempting to use my film for political gain and felt this was something that should be investigated further and warranted a statement addressing the issue.
Wanting to distance myself from any political group that may try to use my film for gain while also making it clear that at no point during the making of 'A2-B-C' did I receive support from any political organization, I wrote a disclaimer that was posted to the film's website (HERE):
Wanting to distance myself from any political group that may try to use my film for gain while also making it clear that at no point during the making of 'A2-B-C' did I receive support from any political organization, I wrote a disclaimer that was posted to the film's website (HERE):

Unfortunately, this was not enough to dissuade the A2-B-C Screening Committee from cancelling all screenings of the film in Japan. Shortly after taking this action in March, the committee dissolved.
What is Chukaku-ha? 中核派とは?
Having not even heard of this group before, I asked several people what Chukaku-ha is. Almost no one I spoke to could tell me anything of any substance about Chukaku-ha, and most people only said vague things like "I heard they are scary" or "I heard they did something bad in the past".
During my attempt to understand what Chukaku-Ha is, I was told that it had been designated as a terrorist organization by the US State Department and was sent THIS link which briefly describes the group's establishment in 1957 but with no activities listed beyond 1993. I was also sent a link to THIS Wikipedia article, which lists no activities beyond 1991. Despite not being able to find any information about current Chukaku-ha activities, a link to a recent Japanese government document listing domestic terrorist groups included Chukaku-ha.
What is Chukaku-ha? 中核派とは?
Having not even heard of this group before, I asked several people what Chukaku-ha is. Almost no one I spoke to could tell me anything of any substance about Chukaku-ha, and most people only said vague things like "I heard they are scary" or "I heard they did something bad in the past".
During my attempt to understand what Chukaku-Ha is, I was told that it had been designated as a terrorist organization by the US State Department and was sent THIS link which briefly describes the group's establishment in 1957 but with no activities listed beyond 1993. I was also sent a link to THIS Wikipedia article, which lists no activities beyond 1991. Despite not being able to find any information about current Chukaku-ha activities, a link to a recent Japanese government document listing domestic terrorist groups included Chukaku-ha.
公安調査庁「内外情勢の回顧と展望(平成27年1月)」p.62 中核派は,新運動体を結成し,大衆運動強化と各層の取り込みを企図

A list of groups "under watch" appeared in the same document. These groups are:
Suddenly, any group identified as anti-nuclear was now a target for government surveillance. In light of this, the decision of the A2-B-C Screening Committee to engage in what I see as an act of self-censorship began to make sense.
- groups suing to stop the Futenma base construction
- groups who are anti-nuclear
- groups concerned with the Comfort Women issue
- any group considered to be against the Abe administration
- 普天間基地代替施設建設の中止を訴える運動を展開
- 慰安婦問題をめぐり政府の対応を追求
- 「再稼働阻止」を掲げて反原発運動を継続
- 政府が進める重要政治課題を捉え政権批判を展開
During the Q&A following the press conference, I was asked if I had confirmed whether the mother in my film was, in fact, a member of Chukaku-ha. I had. At the urging of one of my colleagues, I contacted the mother in question shortly after the cancellations and asked her to meet. Before I could ask her about the rumours, she asked me why the screenings of 'A2-B-C' were cancelled.
会見の質疑応答のなかで、 A2-B-Cの中に出てくる母親が実際に中核派のメンバーかどうかを確認したのか、という質問を受けました。私はその時点で実際に確認していましたのでその内容を回答しました。上映のキャンセルが決まった後、私はある親しい人に勧められて実際にその母親に会いに行ってきました。彼女と話しはじめたとき、私のほうから一連の噂のことを尋ねる前に、彼女に、上映がキャンセルされたのは何故なのか、と訊かれました。
I asked her why she thought they had been cancelled, but she replied that she wanted to her it from me. "Because," I told her, "people are saying you are a member of Chukaku-ha."![]() |
Today's press conference |
会見の質疑応答のなかで、 A2-B-Cの中に出てくる母親が実際に中核派のメンバーかどうかを確認したのか、という質問を受けました。私はその時点で実際に確認していましたのでその内容を回答しました。上映のキャンセルが決まった後、私はある親しい人に勧められて実際にその母親に会いに行ってきました。彼女と話しはじめたとき、私のほうから一連の噂のことを尋ねる前に、彼女に、上映がキャンセルされたのは何故なのか、と訊かれました。
"Oh, that's what I thought," she said. I asked her if it was true, if she really was a member of Chukaku-ha. "Yes," she admitted. "I am."
"Oh, that's what I thought," she said. I asked her if it was true, if she really was a member of Chukaku-ha. "Yes," she admitted. "I am."
Another person during the Q&A asked why the political leanings of one of the mothers in the film even mattered. After all, he suggested, it would be impossible to make a non-political film even if it was about Mickey Mouse.
Another person during the Q&A asked why the political leanings of one of the mothers in the film even mattered. After all, he suggested, it would be impossible to make a non-political film even if it was about Mickey Mouse.
I could not agree more. Anyone who can look at a scene of a child receiving a thyroid examination following a nuclear meltdown and still attempt to turn the focus onto the political views of that child’s mother is completely missing the point of the film.
I could not agree more. Anyone who can look at a scene of a child receiving a thyroid examination following a nuclear meltdown and still attempt to turn the focus onto the political views of that child’s mother is completely missing the point of the film.
The full video from today's press conference will be available tomorrow on the FCCJ channel (HERE).
Full video of press conference added May 13, 2015:
The full video from today's press conference will be available tomorrow on the FCCJ channel (HERE).
Full video of press conference added May 13, 2015:
"...a communist political group whose tactics in the past have included violent confrontations with the authorities"
And also being involved in shootings against other leftists groups.
Ian-san, I saw your press conference. It MUST BE SEEN. I want to write a summary of it and post it on the Montreal A2-B-C Screening Committee's facebook page. Has anyone written a brief summary (just a paragraph, anywhere) in Japanese that I could share?
Mariko Nishi
A2-B-C Screening Committee, Montreal
Thank you for your support!
The only summary that I am aware of is the press release that was published before the press conference took place:
Thank you so much for your continued support!
Much Peace,
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