Monday, September 29, 2014

Pub-crawling with my dad

On the flight from Tokyo to London, I was flipping through the entertainment guide and saw a picture that looked vaguely familiar.  Taking a closer look, it was a picture of me (!), a screen-grab taken from one of the episodes of the NHK World program "Journeys in Japan" in which I had appeared several years ago.

After a couple of days in London getting ready for the upcoming World Premier of my documentary '-1287' (INFO), my dad joined me in the UK.  We traveled up to North Wales for the weekend, where we had a bit of a break before the festival screenings, which are always a busy time for me.

We visited a dear family friend while eating, drinking (and pub crawling!) our way through North Wales.  We even worked in a visit to a castle and a ride on the historic Ffestiniog Railway!

After re-charging in the beautiful country-side of North Wales, we are off to London for the festival!

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