Monday, April 10, 2017

Mr Hata and T: one year later

For the one year anniversary of Mr. Hata and T's reunion (STORY), over the past three days I have retweeted each part of their story translated into Japanese at the exact same time as the original English Tweets were posted. May their story remind us of what is important-- health, family, happiness-- and of the preciousness of life.

日本語版) 『Mr.ハタとT:余命わずかの男と息子の30年越しの再会』

Original Storify English version HERE

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Imperial Hospitality: Story from the Imperial’s “Toko-an” Tea Ceremony Room

Part 3 of the series I am directing for the Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, has been published on the Imperial Hotel website.  The column, which includes a documentary-style video, features the Imperial’s “Toko-an” Tea Ceremony Room.  A direct link can be found HERE.

A link to Part 1 can be found HERE, while a link to part 2 is HERE.