Saturday, June 08, 2013

Filming the Filmmaker

Usually, I am behind the camera, but this week I have found myself being the one in the front of it.

Already I have been interviewed by one newspaper, two radio stations and for a documentary about Nippon Connection Film Festival itself.

I had the additional honour of being asked to speak on a panel about post-Fukushima films (INFO) that also featured Kiki Sugino, the lead actress and producer of the feature film Odayaka (WEBSITE) and Keiko Araki, director of the PIA Film Festival (WEBSITE) and one of the judges for the Nippon Visions Award for which my film 'A2' has been nominated (INFO).

Being interviewed for a documentary about Nippon Connection.
Speaking on the panel with Kiki Sugino (3rd from right) and Keiko Araki (far right).

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