Monday, May 23, 2016

Young woman from Fukushima speaks out 原発事故当時15歳女性の証言


For each of the last four days, I have published a part of an interview I filmed with a brave, young woman from Fukushima about her diagnosis of thyroid cancer.  Following are some details about the interview as well as some data for reference.  Part 1 of the interview can be viewed by clicking the following link, while the entire four-part interview can be seen HERE.

This interview was filmed on February 12, 2016, in Fukushima Prefecture. The young woman was 15 at the time of the nuclear meltdown in Fukushima, and we are releasing this interview with her permission. She is one of the 166 Fukushima residents aged 18 or younger at the time of the nuclear disaster who has been diagnosed with or suspected of having thyroid cancer (as of February 2016).

Fukushima residents who were 18 years old or younger at the time of the nuclear accident have been asked to participate in the free and voluntary thyroid ultrasound examination which is part of the Fukushima Health Management Survey. However, 18.8% of this age group were not tested in the 1st round of testing.* The final results for the 2nd round of testing are not yet complete, however, every year the number of children participating in the official thyroid examinations is decreasing. In fact, the number of children who have not participated in the 2nd round of testing is currently 50.7%**  For those young people aged 18-21 (as of April 1, 2014) and who were living in Fukushima at the time of the nuclear accident, 74.5% have not yet taken part in the voluntary thyroid ultrasound examination.**

This young woman’s reason for speaking out is to motivate the families of children who have not yet received the thyroid ultrasound examination to do so.

Below is a summary of the main points of the young woman’s story:
1) She often gets tired easily after undergoing surgery for thyroid cancer.
2) She sometimes feels emotionally unstable after the surgery.
3) She has no medical doctor with whom she can talk comfortably.
4) She does not want other Fukushima children/ adolescents to develop thyroid cancer.
5) She wants young residents in Fukushima to undergo regular thyroid checkups, so that thyroid cancer cases may be detected early.
6) She is anxious about the possible health implications on her future children.
In sharing her story about a topic which has become increasingly difficult to talk publicly about in Japan, she faces inherent risks which may include those to her work, community life and personal relationships, and I therefore ask that her privacy is respected. It is after careful consideration following the recording of this interview, I have decided her story should be released for the following reasons:
Points 1) and 2): Fukushima Medical University insists that thyroid cancer is not a disease that is deadly, and therefore residents in Fukushima do not have to worry even if they are diagnosed with thyroid cancer. However, this young woman’s story clearly demonstrates that the postoperative conditions of patients are not that simple. Post-operative patients are likely to experience various physical and emotional difficulties even after they have survived thyroid cancer.

Points 3): Doctors at Fukushima Medical University are not forming a comfortable relationship with the patients on whom they operate, which is a significant problem in terms of doctor-to-patient relationships. It is even more problematic when it is taken into account that most of the patients are young and therefore require intensive medical and emotional follow-up care.

Points 5): She is sending a strong message to young Fukushima residents that they should continue receiving regular thyroid checkups.
My hope is that her courageousness in speaking out will encourage others to do so as well.

May they never be forgotten.
May we all work together to support them.
And may this great tragedy never again be repeated.

Ian Thomas Ash


  1. 彼女は甲状腺がんの手術以降疲れやすくなった。
  2. 彼女は手術以降、精神的不安を感じることがあった。
  3. 彼女には気軽に相談できる医師がいなかった。
  4. 彼女は他の子ども達が自分と同じ甲状腺がんを患ってほしくないと思っている。
  5. 彼女は福島に暮らす若者に、病気を早期発見し適切に処置するために、県が行う甲状腺検査を受診してほしいと思っている。
  6. 彼女は将来子供を持つとき、その子の健康への影響に不安を感じている。
原発事故・甲状腺がんについて公に話すことが難しい空気になってる中、このインタビューを公開することによって、彼女の仕事や家族、友人関係など日常生活に悪影響が及ぶ危険があります。 彼女のプライバシーを尊重してくださいますようお願いします。





* 県民健康調査「甲状腺検査(先行検査)」結果概要【結果概要】

** 県民健康調査「甲状腺検査(本格検査)」実施状況


Angel said...

Great Posting.

Luc Geurts (/Luge) said...

Peace Ian, thanks for sharing this.

Ian Thomas Ash said...

Luc, thank you for your comment and for your support. Peace, Ian