Wednesday, October 06, 2021

"Ushiku" receives Audience Award in Holland


I am extremely honoured "Ushiku" has received the Audience Award at the 2021 CAMERA JAPAN Festival in Holland! Thank you all of your support of the participants in the film. The festival announcement is below.
2021年10月、オランダ・ロッテルダム/アムステルダムで開催された日本映画祭カメラジャパンにて「観客賞」 受賞されました。
( カメラジャパンから受賞のメッセージが届きました。下記)
The 2021 edition of CAMERA JAPAN has now wrapped up. A big arigato for all your support!
Today we are pleased to announce the winner of the 2021 Audience Award. After counting all the votes in Rotterdam and Amsterdam, Ushiku stays at the top of the rankings. Congratulations to director Thomas ASH.

To make this important documentary, ASH used a hidden camera to interview inmates at the Ushiku immigration centre near Tokyo about their treatment and Japan’s uncompromising refugee policy on the eve of the COVID-19 outbreak.

We are particularly pleased to find that CAMERA JAPAN audiences enjoy and appreciate the variety of films our programmers pick out for the festival.
応援してくださった皆様のご支援に対し、”A BIG ARIGATOU (アリガトウ)”、大きな感謝を申し上げます。





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